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Linguistics | part-of-speech tags

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(contextual separator, left paren(
)contextual separator, right paren)
,punctuation mark, comma,
.punctuation mark, sentence closer.;?*
:punctuation mark, colon:
CCconjunction, coordinatingand, or, but
CDcardinal numberfixe, three, 13%
DTdeterminerthe, a, these
EXexistential therethere were six boys
FWforeign wordmais
INconjunction, subordinating or prepositionof, on, before, unless
JJadjectivenice, easy, boring
JJRadjective, comparativenicer, easier, more boring
JJSadjective, superlativenicest, easiest, most boring
MDverb, modal auxillarymay, should, wouldn't
NNnoun, singular or masstiger, chair, laughter
NNPnoun, proper singularGermany, God, Alice
NNPSnoun, proper pluralwe met two Christmases ago
NNSnoun, pluraltigers, chairs, insects
NPnoun phrasethe pink panther
PRPpronoun, personalme, you, it
PRP$pronoun, possessivemy, your, our
RBadverbextremely, loudly, hard
RBRadverb, comparativebetter
RBSadverb, superlativebest
RPadverb, particleabout, off, up
Ssubject phrasesuzy [is telling [a lie]]
TOinfinitival towhat to do?
UHinterjectionoh, oops, gosh
VAverb phrase and argumentstelling a lie
VBverb, base formthink
VBDverb, past tensethey talked
VBGverb, gerund or present participleprogramming is fun
VBNverb, past participlea sunken ship
VBPverb, non-3rd person singular presentI think
VBZverb, 3rd person singular presentshe thinks
VPverb phrasedie laughing madly
WDTdeterminerwhich, whatever, whichever
WPpronoun, personalwhat, who, whom
WP$pronoun, possessivewhose, whosever
WRBadverb, wh-where, when


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